Grounding Exercises: Learn How to Grow Deep Roots Before the Storm Arrives
As Autumn has set upon us in Western Pennsylvania, the temperature starts to decrease, our day becomes night much more quickly, and if we allow it, we can give ourselves over to the ritual of accepting and welcoming change.
Grounding and anchoring exercises have been studied in correlation with everything from chronic pain to white blood cell counts, with the central theory being that grounding affects the living matrix, the central connector between living cells. It’s believed that natural defenses of the body can actually be restored through grounding. How amazing is it that we can help to heal ourselves?
During this time of transition, and busy schedules that come along with colder temps, and lowered immune systems, I invite you to try an anchoring exercise.
Begin by taking a comfortable seat with an alert yet relaxed posture. Feet on the floor.
Take 3 intentional breaths
Now bring to mind a specific memory that brings a smile to your face. Think of a time when you were at your happiest.
Visualize it.
FEEL it.
Feel the emotions it brings to you. Notice the way you experience those feelings in your body. Continue to stay with the sensations.
Visualize all of the events that took place as if you’re watching a movie and the scenes are flying by one by one.
Stay with this memory as long as you like, paying attention to the way you feel inside of your body.
TIP: Use the voice memo on your phone to record yourself saying the above steps in a slow, steady, and calm voice. Pause and give space during each section to allow time to visualize, and perform the breathwork. You can play it back anytime and give yourself over to this exercise without looking down at your phone for each step.
This seasonal change is an opportunity to reset, balance, and recharge our batteries. We can simplify our lives by breathing peace into each day.
“A tree with strong roots can withstand the most violent storm, but the tree cannot grow roots just as the storm appears on the horizon.” -Dalai Lama XIV
Consistency is the key to growing our roots, and anchoring ourselves. Through daily grounding practices that we can do even when no one is aware, we can cultivate a support system for ourselves that we can tap into at any time we may need it.
Simplify, Savor, Breathe and Repeat.
I would love to help you along your journey, so please join me every Wednesday at 12pm for our mid-day breathing break.