The Five Sage Powers


Did you know that all of your distress is self-generated through your sabotaging tendencies called saboteurs?

The sage perspective and powers allow you to meet any challenge in life in a way that will create the best results while generating the highest level of personal satisfaction, peace of mind, and happiness. Your Sage moves you into action out of empathy, inspiration, the joy of exploration, a longing to create, a longing to contribute, and an urge to find meaning.


The Five Sage Powers

  • Empathize with yourself and others

  • Explore through deep curiosity

  • Innovate creative options 

  • Navigate the options available and choose the path that aligns with your values and purpose

  • Activate your intention in order to generate results

 Strengthening your mind allows you to take control and live in choice. Through the sage powers, you become more decisive and ready to take the necessary steps without the stress, interference, and distraction of your saboteurs. As you strengthen your sage powers; you free yourself from strong emotions like guilt, shame, and regret. In the 3 Elements Mental Fitness program, you learn how to activate and use your sage powers.

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